Friday, January 22, 2010

Everything about Tamiflu: Part 2

All consumers should understand that Tamiflu is not a cure for swine flu. It does reduce symptoms of the illness and duration of illness. When taken within the first 48 hours, some people tend to recover a lot faster when taking Tamiflu. Finally, one is less likely to develop complications of bronchitis, pneumonia and ear infections when taking Tamiflu.

There are suggestions that Tamiflu can help reduce complications of swine flu but there is no real hard evidence to show that as of yet.
In general Tamiflu is safe. It does have a few side effects of which the most common are nausea and vomiting.

Rare complications reported from Europe where the drug has been extensively used indicate that Tamiflu can also cause seizures, mood alterations, confusion and loss of concentration. One school report indicated that children given Tamiflu at the outbreak resulted in nearly 50 percent developing side effects ranging from nausea, stomach cramps and difficulty sleeping.

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